
Trump Sues ABC’s George Stephanopoulos For Repeatedly Smearing Him As A Rapist



Former President Donald Trump is suing ABC News host George Stephanopoulos for falsely and allegedly knowingly claiming on air that the Republican was convicted of rape.

Trump has never been found guilty of raping any woman, but if you’re an ABC News viewer who tuned into “This Week” Sunday programming on March 10, you might be confused about that. Stephanopoulos repeatedly insisted in his interview with rape survivor Republican Rep. Nancy Mace that Trump was “found liable for [the] rape” of magazine writer E. Jean Carroll.

“You said women don’t come forward because they are afraid. They’re afraid to come forward because because they are defamed by those who commit the rape. That’s what Donald Trump has been guilty of doing,” the Clinton White House communications director claimed.

BREAKING: Donald Trump sues ABC News and host George Stephanopoulos for defaming him during an interview with Rep. Nancy Mace.

Good 🔥

The lawsuit stems from Stephanopoulos’ questioning of Mace about being a r*pe survivor.

The show host apparently lied about Trump during his… pic.twitter.com/0ojdHHFS7R

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) March 19, 2024

Trump’s lawyers filed a defamation lawsuit on Monday claiming Stephanopoulos’ nearly dozen statements linking Trump and rape amount to “actual malice or with a reckless disregard for the truth given that Defendant Stephanopoulos knows these statements are patently and demonstrably false.”

In 2019, after nearly three decades after the alleged incident, Carroll published a book that accused Trump of raping her in a department store dressing room after

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