
Trump Is Right: Kamala Harris And Tim Walz Are The Ultimate DEI Ticket



Right-of-center groups and individuals that don’t usually agree on much have been delivering the same warning to former President Donald Trump: Shut up about Vice President Kamala Harris’s race and stick to attacking her on policy.

Yet they cannot hide what everyone knows to be true: Harris is the ultimate DEI candidate. Candidate Joe Biden chose her as his running mate in 2020 because she is a black woman, and she ascended to the apex of national politics due to her race and sex.

Just as important, DEI is policy for Harris and the administration in which she serves. The Biden-Harris open-border devastation stems from a fundamental DEI concept: that it’s racist to protect America’s borders — and citizens — from illegal migrants who are overwhelmingly not white, and that Trump is cruel and racist for having done so and promising to do so again. Hence, with Harris as the Biden administration’s border czar, an estimated 10 million foreign citizens have been allowed to illegally enter this country.

On other issues ranging from crime to education to military readiness, Democrats have adopted DEI policies and practices and made this country worse. On day one of the Biden-Harris administration, the White House proclaimed a new “whole-of-government” agenda focused on “advancing racial equity.” In case there was any confusion, Harris had helpfully explained in the 2020 elections that equity means mandating equal results, not offering equal opportunity.

Fast forward to 2024, and Harris’s choice of Walz as her running mate demonstrates continued

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