
Trump Is Delusional To Think He Can Broker ‘Peace’ In The Abortion Debate



Former President Donald Trump apparently thinks he can bring “peace” to the abortion debate by negotiating a compromise between the pro-life and pro-abort sides, finding an acceptable gestational timeframe after which abortions would be banned by federal law.

In an interview with NBC’s Kristen Welker on Sunday, Trump said he would “come up with a number of weeks or months” that would “make people happy.” He then made the outrageous claim that “92 percent of the Democrats don’t want to see abortion after a certain period of time.”

What nonsense. Has a single Democrat leader ever articulated the stage of pregnancy after which they would support an abortion ban? No, they haven’t. My colleague David Harsanyi rightly noted Monday that Democrats support zero limits on abortion, even up to the point of birth in some states, and “are also opposed to compelling doctors to provide infants who survive attempted abortions the minimum amount of care they would be expected to provide any other person.”

Earlier in the interview, Trump sounded a slightly different note about Democrats in response to a biased question from Welker that pushed the false narrative that intentionally killing an unborn child in the womb is sometimes medically necessary. In response, Trump said, “The radical people on this are really the Democrats that say, after five months, six months, seven months, eight months, nine months, and even after birth you’re allowed to terminate the baby.”

As if on cue, Welker interjected, “Democrats are not saying that.” But of course they are. They say it all

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