
Trans Activists Stage Capitol Insurrection, Yet Corporate Media Is Completely Silent



Remember when storming and occupying a government capitol was considered an insurrection? Apparently it’s permissible as long as you’re protesting a cause backed by the leftist establishment. That’s what happened in Oklahoma on Monday.

Yesterday, a mob of trans activists stormed and occupied the Oklahoma state capitol to protest legislation that would prohibit sterilizing and mutilating children. The bill — known as the Millstone Act — would “prohibit Oklahoma doctors from providing gender transition procedures or referral services relating to such procedures to anyone under the age of 26.”

“Child abuse is a felony in our state and mutilating a young person’s genitalia should be viewed no differently. The Millstone Act will hold those who perform child mutilation accountable by making such activity a felony. Those guilty of such a heinous crime will be both legally and financially liable,” bill sponsor and state Sen. David Bullard said in a press release.

State legislators were expected to consider the act on Monday. Yet transgender activists stormed in and blocked a government proceeding.

To protest the clear intention of the bill to protect children from irreversible medical procedures, hundreds of trans activists occupied the Oklahoma Capitol to disrupt legislative proceedings on the bill, shouting “Trans Lives Matter” in unison at one point.

They were allowed to do so. No one was shot. No one was arrested or sentenced to several years in prison over “obstruction of official proceeding.” And not a peep was heard from corporate media about this

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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