
Tony Bobulinski Confirms In House Testimony That ‘The Biden Family Business Was Joe Biden’



Former Biden family associate Tony Bobulinski confirmed to House investigators this week that President Joe Biden played a key and national security-compromising role in his family’s self-enriching, influence-peddling scheme.

“The only reason any of these international business transactions took place, with tens of millions of dollars flowing directly to the Biden family, was because Joe Biden was in high office. The Biden family business was Joe Biden, period,” Bobulinski told investigators during his testimony to the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees on Tuesday, the transcript of which was released Friday morning.

Bobulinski testified that he chose to come forward at the risk of his “privacy,” “personal security,” and “that of my family” because he wanted to “tell the American people the truth about serious corruption at the top of their government.”

Despite Democrat, corporate media, government, and FBI efforts to undermine or ignore Bobulinski’s credibility, the witness spent the last four years corroborating the corruption allegations against Joe and the rest of the Biden family. Yet the same Democrats who admitted Joe lied about his family business contacts after Devon Archer testified to their committee last year used the deposition on Tuesday to continue sabotaging, disrupting, and belittling Bobulinski.

Rep. Dan Goldman accused Bobulinski of being “incredibly disrespectful” for saying he did not know the FBI’s protocols. Goldman later cut Bobulinski off, to which the witness retorted, “You don’t have to raise your voice to me.” When Bobulinski asked later for clarification on a question, Goldman said,

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