
To The Angry TikTok Feminists: Try Applying Some Lip Gloss



Christian influencer Vanessa Irene is being attacked by a mob of angry TikTok feminists after she posted a video listing off things “men love about women aesthetically.” In the video, which has received over 1.6 million views, Irene says that men love women who have white teeth, shiny hair, and polished toenails; prioritize physical fitness; and wear cute sunglasses, cute handbags, lip gloss, and perfume. She also added that for one’s own self-respect, women should avoid looking sloppy and “take care of [themselves],” even at home during “relaxing days.” 

While I’m not sure every one of Irene’s tips applies to all men (most men probably don’t care about how “cute” a woman’s handbag is), Irene’s general message is correct; women should emphasize their femininity if they want to attract a partner. This angered the TikTok feminists for two reasons. One, they hate that Irene was preaching about outward expressions of femininity, and two, they disagree with the very premise that women should attempt to make themselves appealing to men.

A grouchy boomer named Anne Russell made a cruel response video criticizing Irene for “spouting such rubbish” and, without evidence, stated that Irene has not “learned any life skills.” According to Russell, Irenee has been “twisted by some terrible ideology to believe that she only counts when she’s considered a trinket, a toy to be picked up by some random man.” 

Similarly, TikToker Meghan Dowling said that Irene has “internalized misogyny,” specifically criticizing her for saying women should look

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