
To Save Wisconsin Elections, Republicans Must Kill Automatic Voter Registration



On the extensive list of ugly election “reforms,” you’ll find automatic voter registration at the very top. No wonder Democrat Gov. Tony Evers, who’s never seen a far-left idea he didn’t like, wants to dump it on Wisconsin.

Republicans, don’t be fooled by claims of “saving democracy” or “protecting voting rights” — thin cover for a “progressive” power grab. Automatic voter registration is the surest way to cripple Wisconsin’s already questionable voter rolls and hand Democrats a permanent advantage in future elections. These are the facts left-wing activists don’t want you to know.

Automatic voter registration is the brainchild of professional activists who want to remake America by corrupting our elections. It’s integral to the left’s larger scheme to enact all-mail elections, paperless ballots, and same-day registration, courtesy of the Brennan Center and its allies.

We know from secret internal documents that so-called progressives think America’s electorate is too white, too old, too rural, and too conservative for Democrats to reliably win elections, so they want to radically “reshape” it wholesale. Their goal is a “New American Majority” — millennials, single women, racial and ethnic minorities, recent immigrants, welfare recipients, and college students — voters whom strategists believe will always support Democrats.

Take it from the New Organizing Institute — deemed “the Democratic Party’s Hogwarts for digital wizardry” by The Washington Post — which once boasted that New American Majority voters will:

…dramatically shift the American social, economic, and political landscape — allowing us to begin rectifying our country’s

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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