
To Be Pro-Life, Politicians Must Stand For All Babies From Conception — Even When It Happens In A Lab



On paper, there appears to be a strong coalition of Republicans in the Senate who believe unborn life from the moment it begins is precious and worthy of protection.

These GOP politicians don’t simply self-identify as pro-life on and off the campaign trail. All except three of them (Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, and Susan Collins) also wear generous A+ ratings from abortion-fighting organizations such as SBA Pro-Life America, which purports to evaluate which elected officials are truly serious about safeguarding the unborn.

Given almost all of the upper chamber Republicans’ seemingly airtight reputations when it comes to the sanctity of life, it comes as a shock that they would sign onto a statement declaring unwavering support for a practice that routinely abandons and discards millions of little lives

Yet, that’s exactly what happened last week when every single one of the 49 senators who make up the GOP’s share of the upper congressional chamber endorsed “nationwide access to IVF” under the guise that it has “allowed millions of aspiring parents to start and grow their families.”

Standard practice for in vitro fertilization requires harvesting and fertilizing multiple eggs to increase the chances of successful petri dish conception. The hundreds of thousands of IVF cycles that occur in the United States each year suggest big batches of embryos are manufactured only to be pushed aside due to eugenics-esque genetic grading that leads to discard or abandonment in freezers.

The Republicans’ statement suggests that they want this reproductive tech available to anyone and

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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