
TikTok Deleted My Video Exposing Climate Cultists’ Dystopian Plan To Restrict Freedom Of Movement  



Two weeks ago, I posted a video to TikTok reporting on the globalist push to restrict freedom of movement in the name of “climate change.” This week, TikTok removed my video for supposedly spreading “misinformation” and potentially causing “significant harm to individuals or society.”

Notably, TikTok is owned by Beijing-based ByteDance, a company that, according to Forbes, has significant oversight of the platform. Like many other tech companies, TikTok is also staffed by an unsettling number of former American intelligence officials, making the company susceptible to pressures from the Censorship Complex.

Below, you can watch the offending TikTok-censored video, which was also posted on Instagram.

I reached out to TikTok to ask what in my video was false and what in my video had the potential to cause “significant harm,” such as “physical, psychological, or societal harm, and property damage.” TikTok did not respond.

This is probably because there isn’t anything false in my original video. In the first half of my TikTok, I reported on indisputable truths, like the fact that France has banned short-haul domestic flights and that nearly 100 cities across the globe have a stated “target” of limiting air travel to one short-haul return flight every three years per person by 2030. 

All the information I shared in the now-deleted TikTok is backed up by an article I wrote before posting the video titled “Anti-Air Travel Climate Psychos Want To Abolish Freedom Of Movement.”

More likely than not, it was the second half of

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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