
This Is Your Sign To Catechize Your Kids — And Yourself



Lots of people are catechizing your child. Are you one of them?

The tragic death of six believers, including three children and three brave adults, at the hands of an evil mass shooter at a Christian elementary school in Nashville this week was a stark and painful reminder that the battle raging around us is ultimately a spiritual one.

Media and many activists have rushed to make the transgender-identifying shooter out to be the victim and Christians the villains, blaming the killer’s parents for attempting to instill their faith in her — however imperfectly. I don’t know the shooter’s parents. Neither do you. But we do know the killer’s mind was not ultimately captured by the life-giving truths of the Gospel. She was consumed by a different catechism.

Maybe you have only a vague idea of what catechism is, or have only ever heard it in passing reference to Catholic rearing. In short, a catechism is a summary of beliefs in a fixed question-and-answer format for instruction and meditation. Catechism isn’t just for Catholics — it’s crucial for Protestants. But understand: It is not even only for followers of Jesus. Those who reject him have their own catechisms, born out of their own character and beliefs.

Some Catechize with Lies

Scripture describes this in no uncertain terms. Matthew warns “beware” of false teachers, “who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” In engaging with the self-righteous leaders who hated his message, Jesus declared,

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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