
This Is The ‘See No Candidate, Hear No Candidate’ Campaign The Media Are Forcing On Voters



It’s supposed to be a great honor bestowed upon CNN and even the American voters that Kamala Harris, along with her crutch Tim Walz, will finally appear Thursday for an interview — a taped interview (meaning edited), not a live one.


Outside of any debates between Kamala and Donald Trump (assuming at least one takes place), this is how the next 68 days are going to be, all at the insistence of the national media and to the great pleasure of Kamala. This is a first-of-its-kind presidential campaign where you’re not supposed to see either candidate, aside from the occasional still photo and edited video, accompanied by stories relayed by the media — the vast majority of which will be deceptive, if not outright and blatantly false.

To the extent that it’s in their control — and they do still have a lot of control — the media don’t want voters directly exposed to Trump or Kamala. Trump, because the more voters see him, the more they like him. Kamala, for the exact opposite reason.

Recall the 2016 election roughly 300 years ago. Trump won, and after it was over, the media spent all of 24 hours admitting they had become too insular and were too far removed from the concerns and motivations of Americans who don’t live in Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., and New York. Then they immediately changed course and got to the far easier and more preferable work of sabotaging Trump’s presidency and ensuring they never again

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