
There’s More Than Enough Evidence For A Joe Biden Impeachment Inquiry



Without evidence.

Those are the two words they want imprinted in your mind when you hear about the House impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. “Since gaining the House majority,” writes the Associated Press, “House Republicans have aggressively investigated Biden and his son, claiming without evidence that they engaged in an influence peddling scheme.”

Sticking the words “without evidence” into a story is meant to insinuate that the impetus for an investigation is itself meritless. But, as they know, inquiries exist for the purpose of uncovering evidence.

That said, there already exists tons of substantive evidence that Joe Biden was “engaged” in the family racket. Now, it goes without saying that without the Biden last name, there is no Biden Inc. But numerous people have independently testified that he was involved.

Let’s start with the IRS whistleblowers charged with investigating Hunter Biden’s tax case, who testified under oath that Joe was present in at least one meeting with Hunter’s foreign clients. In numerous private emails and texts he never imagined would be made public, Hunter talks about his dad not only helping him secure payments but taking a cut for himself. Hunter’s former business partner contends that Joe was involved. Another of Hunter’s partners, who is also a former close friend, maintained under oath that Joe spoke to Hunter’s associates at least 24 times, often being dialed in on the phone during business meetings. An FBI informant documented conversations that indicated to him that Joe pressured foreign companies to send millions to the family

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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