
There Can Be No Unity With The Violent Democrat-Media Industrial Complex



The blood on former President Donald Trump’s face was barely dry before calls to “take down the temperature” and “unite” began rolling in from Democrats and their courtesans in the press.

President Biden issued a statement after the assassination attempt Saturday evening calling for unity, as did Vice President Kamala Harris and scores of other Democrats. Even the clueless and cowardly Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson got in on the unity wave, saying, “We’ve got to turn the rhetoric down, we’ve got to turn the temperature down in this country.”

Sorry, but that’s not going to happen. There can be no unity with the people and institutions who have spent years whipping the left into a violent frenzy over Trump. This goes for Democrats and the corporate media alike.

President Biden has spent the last few years declaring over and over that Trump is a “threat to democracy.” Everyone is outraged about Biden’s recent call with donors when he said it’s “time to put Trump in the bullseye,” but far worse rhetoric from Biden has been commonplace for years. Biden’s infamous Red Wedding speech in Philadelphia, where he declared Trump and MAGA Republics were a threat to democracy, was nearly two years ago. He has maintained that dangerous rhetoric ever since, repeating some version of it nearly every week. On June 28, the president posted on X that Trump is “a genuine threat to this nation. He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a

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