
The War On Men Is A War On Civilization



At basically every level, men are disappearing. One minute, they’re here; the next minute, they’re gone. You can track this trend in one metric after another. As I write in my brand-new book, The War on Men, for every one woman who drops out of college, seven men drop out. Men have left the workforce in almost unprecedented numbers; the current employment rate of men in prime working years mirrors that of the Great Depression. Men are also dropping out of church. For decades, women have filled roughly 60 percent of the pews.

The catalog of absence — and failure — goes on. Men have disappeared from many families. As Derek Thompson notes at The Atlantic, 80 percent of single-parent homes are headed by mothers. In the bleakest category there is, suicide rates, men kill themselves far more than women do, representing 80 percent of suicides today per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Why Are Men Struggling So Much?

What exactly are we staring at as we study this pile of data? Quite simply, we are looking at a crisis. A generation of men is ghosting its loved ones, its work environments, and this very world itself. But men are not the only ones who suffer in this maelstrom; women are directly affected by it as well.

There are many reasons for the depressing trend mapped above. The American workforce has suffered horribly from globalist economic policies. The modern feminist movement has attacked manhood relentlessly. Cultural Marxism renders

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