
The Top 11 Flags You Should Fly To Trigger Communist Enemies Of The People



Corporate media recently took old smears about a Revolutionary War-era flag and applied them to Justice Samuel Alito after his wife allegedly displayed the “provocative” symbol in front of his home.

The meaning behind the “An Appeal To Heaven” flag, a pine-tree-adorned symbol used by squadrons of the Continental Navy during the Revolutionary War, is rather innocuous. George Washington’s secretary Col. Joseph Reed created the flag in 1775 to publicly display “an appeal to God to save the colonists from the King’s oppressive ruling.”

The same outlets fomenting fake scandal about the alleged Alito flag have never taken issue with any Americans displaying Black Lives Matter, Ukraine, pro-terrorist, and rainbow flags, despite their connections to anti-American agitation. The New York Times, however, suggested the historic “An Appeal To Heaven” flag was associated with a “push for a more Christian-minded government.”

Here are 11 flags you should fly to not only show your loyalty to God and country but also your disdain for the top enemy of the people that is constantly looking for ways to smear Americans who love their original flag and the Constitution it stands for.

U.S. Flag

If you want to show your patriotism and peeve the American-hating people who run our nation’s institutions, proudly display Old Glory to show your support for the land of the free and the home of the brave (what’s left of it).

If you’re a little more daring and want to teach your Trump-hating, slur-slinging neighbor a lesson, consider flying

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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