
The Swamp Is Seeking Revenge On House Freedom Caucus Chairman Bob Good



The 5th Congressional District of Virginia is under siege from the Swamp. This district is a historic bastion of liberty. It was first represented in Congress by the “father of our Constitution” and fourth President of the United States, James Madison. It was also the historical home of Thomas Jefferson, the drafter of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States. Today, the 5th District is represented by another American patriot.

Rep. Bob Good is not yet a household name, but you had better believe he’s the Swamp’s worst nightmare. As the newly elected chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, Good is following in the footsteps of Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows, Andy Biggs, and Scott Perry.

Good’s voting record is exemplary. Chairman Good vocally opposed the debt limit deal that gave Washington a two-year blank check to add as much as $4 trillion to our debt. Good opposed the continuing resolutions that rubber-stamped Nancy Pelosi’s spending levels and radical policies.

Good said we should not give a penny more in funding to Ukraine without first securing our own borders. Good fought against Biden’s radical policies on energy, parents rights, religious liberties, gun control, and abortion on demand. And Good opposed reauthorizing federal agents to spy on Americans. These positions did not make him friends in D.C., but they were the right stances and the ones the people he serves in Virginia wanted him to take.

His voting record is reflected in his 100 percent rating from

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