
The New York Times Praises Democrats’ Immigration Policies For ‘Reshaping The Electorate’



The New York Times published a piece on Monday detailing how “new citizens” are eager to vote in the upcoming election, praising that a reduction in the wait time for applications to be processed means the electorate is being reshaped before a “pivotal election.”

“The surge in naturalization efficiency isn’t just about clearing backlogs; it’s potentially reshaping the electorate, merely months before a pivotal election,” Boundless Chief Executive Xiao Wang told The Times. “Every citizenship application could be a vote that decides Senate seats or even the presidency.”

Boundless is “a company that uses government data to analyze immigration trends and that offers services to immigrants who seek professional help in navigating the application process,” according to The Times.

While the article doesn’t explicitly state whether the aforementioned individuals being processed came to the United States legally or illegally, the article acknowledges that, although “naturalizing lawful residents [has] had broad bipartisan support,” “there has long been partisan disagreement over how to tackle illegal immigration and overhaul the nation’s immigration laws.”

“Citizenship has become more politicized in recent years,” the article claims.

While not all asylum seekers enter the country illegally, individuals who enter the country illegally are still permitted to later apply for asylum. All asylees are eligible to apply for permanent resident status one year after receiving the grant, and individuals with permanent resident status are then eventually eligible for citizenship.

The Times article laments how the Trump administration, “[i]ntent on curbing legal immigration,” “conducted lengthier reviews of

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