
The New York Times Is Shocked That Pro-Lifers Are Serious About Protecting Babies At Conception



The New York Times is shocked that the people who have spent the last 50-plus years promoting the sanctity of life aim to advance policy positions that effectively end abortion and protect unborn babies from conception.

In an article headlined “How Christian Conservatives Are Planning for the Next Battle, on I.V.F.,” NYT’s National Religion Correspondent Elizabeth Dias expressed concern that “a powerful battalion of conservative Christians” have “quietly laid the groundwork for their fight to restrict not only access to abortion but also to I.V.F.”

“They are planting seeds for their ultimate goal of ending abortion from conception, both within the Republican Party and beyond it,” Dias wrote.

There’s nothing off-kilter about pro-lifers supporting policies that promise to shield babies in their most vulnerable form from harm and destruction, whether that be through abortion or the discard or abandonment of frozen embryos created through in vitro fertilization.

In fact, opposing IVF, or at least questioning why those who undergo the hundreds of thousands of IVF cycles in the U.S. each year get a free pass to get rid of unborn babies simply because they are embryos, is morally and logically congruent with the pro-life movement’s belief that humans are endowed with natural rights from the beginning.

Dias, however, seems to view the pro-life movement’s goal to protect unborn babies from murder on the state and national level as some secret agenda that is just now coming into the public light.

“As they see it, their challenge spans generations,

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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