
The Ministry Of Truth Is Proud To Present: ‘Kamala Harris’ For President



Remember that time Joe Biden named Vice President Kamala Harris the border czar, and we all watched her fail to do anything about the crisis?

You only think you do.

Because Harris was never a czar. Not technically, since we don’t have czars in the United States. Everyone knows that. When Joe promised Kamala would “lead our efforts” to fix the border crisis, what he really meant was that the vice president would research some of the “root causes” during weekends, and maybe take a few diplomatic trips or whatnot. But czar, c’mon.

And though “czar” has been the informal title for high-level presidential appointments for a century, the concept is apparently baffling. “Why Republicans Keep Calling Kamala Harris the ‘Border Czar’” The New York Times, a publication that’s referred to administration officials as “czars” for decades, was compelled to explain to its suddenly perplexed readers. The upstarts at Axios went in a different direction, retroactively correcting pieces that called Kamala a czar.

Do you remember that time Harris helped bail out BLM rioters during the summer of 2020?

Nah, you don’t.

Because, as one CBS’s affiliate explains, Harris didn’t, you know, technically give any money to Minnesota Freedom Fund, she merely made some innocuous fundraising appeals to her millions of followers to raise money to help bail out violent rioters. If you can’t see the distinction, they can’t help you.

Of course rewriting history with pedantic hyper-literal fact checks is just one of the many techniques that will

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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