
The Men Women Chased Out Of Society Need To Come Back Before We Lose Everything



For the past two decades, maybe longer, feminists around the globe have made sure “the patriarchy” is synonymous with the evil machinations of men exerting domination over women rather than a hierarchical structure necessary for nations to thrive.

The insistence that women are the same as men has come at a steep price. The natural order of civilized societies, which cannot be reshaped without consequence, has been disturbed. It’s up to men, doing what men do, to restore that balance. 

The Feminization of Society

Over the past decade, many topics that used to be reserved for the realms of private discussion have become political. Everything from sexuality to personal health choices has been thrust into the political arena, mostly under the guise of public safety. Rather than stick to the founders’ original mandate — to ensure the protection of natural rights — the dominant trajectory has been to ensure public safety. 

This prioritization of safety has extended far beyond protection from physical danger such as crime or foreign enemies, legitimate justifications for federal government security. Increasingly, the government, private sector, and educational institutions have policed words they don’t like under the guise of safeguarding against “misinformation” and “disinformation.”

Ironically, this has made citizens more vulnerable than ever, ensuring the renunciation of personal responsibility in exchange for protection from the government and a growing dependence on bureaucratic mandates. It has denigrated resilience, weakened communities and civic organizations, and undermined our national sovereignty. As a result, our culture has become increasingly

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