
The Left’s Marriage And Family Dilemma Is A Nuclear Self-Own



Breaking news: Conservatives believe in marriage and babies more than liberals do.

This is not exactly a groundbreaking observation. But a recent Pew survey made news last week when it revealed that the political divide over having a family is not just real — it’s spectacular. It’s enormous. There is a full 40-point difference between the two sides on this issue!

“The percent of Trump supporters who say society is “better off if people make marriage and having children a priority is 59%, compared to 19% of Biden voters.” Just 19 percent! 

That seems pretty bad. But what looks like a glitch to normal people is a key feature of anti-human leftist ideology. In other words, that 19 percent means liberalism is working as intended. It’s the result of years of mass indoctrination through K-12 education and the media convincing women to prioritize careers and themselves over a husband and parenthood.

It’s not a shock to learn that conservatives tend to believe in marriage and family more than liberals do. After all, tradition is our brand. Meanwhile, liberal women (but I repeat myself) are groomed from preschool to meticulously avoid pregnancy at all costs using a dizzying array of pills, devices, shots, inserts, implants, and various unguents to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg. 

If all of that fails, there are emergency pills and potions to save you from the permanent curse of parenthood. And if those don’t work, a few hours on an operating table expressing your commitment to

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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