
The Hunter Biden Trial Prosecutors Tried Not To Bring Is More Proof Our Justice System Is A Joke



Tuesday marked the first day of trial for President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter. He’s not on trial for sex trafficking, influence peddling, money laundering, or even operating as an unregistered foreign agent — even though there’s evidence of his participation in all of these crimes.

No, he’s on trial for lying on paperwork, and even then, it’s a trial the Justice Department never wanted to happen. The government only charged him after a judge called foul on an attempted sweetheart deal that sought to exculpate Hunter on all other alleged wrongdoings.  

Special Counsel David Weiss brought three federal charges against Hunter in September. Hunter is accused of lying on application paperwork while addicted to drugs in order to obtain a firearm and unlawfully possessing said firearm. 

Pouncing on the trial, CNN’s Oliver Darcy wrote on Tuesday that the “Hunter Biden trial shows America’s justice system isn’t so rigged after all.” Corporate media are desperate to convince Americans who just witnessed the ultimate weaponization of the justice system with the show trial conviction of former President Donald Trump that the system is working just fine, since Hunter is also facing charges.

The left wants you to believe that charging Hunter with what is possibly the least damning allegation stacked against him is somehow morally and legally equivalent to inventing a novel crime to weaponize the justice system against a political opponent.

But one of the many factors Darcy conveniently leaves out is what got Hunter to the point of appearing in

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