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The Herschel Walker Abortion Accusation Changes Nothing



Most voters wish they could cast a ballot for a witty, intellectually gifted, self-made person who is not only a relentless fighter for worthy causes but chaste in his personal life. This, of course, is seldom the choice. And when politicians pretend to be those things, it is galling to catch them in personal hypocrisy.

I have no idea if Herschel Walker is a good man or not. Now, it’s not like he drunkenly drove a woman off a bridge and then let her die in the murky waters off Martha’s Vineyard, but there are a number of alleged incidents that suggest he’s struggled in his personal life. The Daily Beast now reports that Walker, who has taken a pro-life position, paid for a woman’s abortion in 2009.

Being mildly autistic on these matters, I have never really cared much about a candidate’s personal life. At least, short of corruption or abuse or negligent homicide. Like my friends, I’d prefer that politicians be principled and virtuous and bright and emphatic, but the ideological decency of a candidate’s policies is far more important than all that. Without the slightest hesitation, I would support a sociopathic constitutionalist, prone to debauchery and lying, over a chaste family man who believes in a collectivist or authoritarian philosophy. The latter’s bad ideas have generational consequences. I don’t care if he takes his kids to soccer practice every day.  

Of course, most political choices aren’t as clearly binary as my theoretical match-up. And there are limits to everything. Character matters. Those who lie and cheat are also prone to corruption. And a dishonorable person you agree with can’t always be trusted to follow through on their political promises. The problem is that the honorable politician you don’t agree with can be.

In any event, I’m not sure why the Walker accusation should change anything in the Georgia race. (It’s not as if his opponent Raphael Warnock is a paragon of decency, anyway.) Walker denies paying for his girlfriend’s abortion. The evidence seems to strongly suggest the story is true — unless someone forged a check. But because the media have spent a decade trashing their reputation, people have a right to wonder.

If Walker did it, though, he could have just admitted it, anyway. There are scores of elected leaders who have allegedly “evolved” to the pro-abortion position. There is no shame in taking the better journey. If I’m a political consultant — and let’s concede here that I don’t think I could win an election in my own home — this is what I would have had Walker say:

Thirteen years ago, I paid for the abortion of a woman I was dating. I take full responsibility for those actions. Back then, I still believed abortion was nothing but a harmless medical procedure. I selfishly thought of nothing but my convenience. I believed that the tiny human life, with its own DNA and heartbeat and future, was nothing but a clump of cells that could be thrown away. This is what the culture, media, and politicians have been telling us for decades. I fell for it. I deeply regret my decision now. Because over the past decade, I have matured. My views have evolved on the issue. Every human life is worthwhile, and no matter how small, it deserves protection from violence.

While I can never change the past, if the voters of Georgia help elect me to the United States Senate, I will make it my mission to be a fierce champion of life in Washington. And the unborn need champions now more than ever. Democrats, like my opponent Raphael Warnock, want to force all of you — every single taxpayer in Georgia — to write checks for someone’s abortion. My opponent believes in legalized abortion on demand, for any reason, paid for by taxpayers, until the moment of birth. That amounts to hundreds of thousands of abortions every year. That equals about 10,000 viable babies terminated every year. In Georgia, 65 percent of all abortions end the life of an unborn black child — the second highest percentage in the entire country. Warnock wants the government to subsidize this attack on our communities. He wants to overturn existing Georgia law and create a federal regime that strips all limitations on abortion. And none of that is even to mention the hardship Warnock has inflicted on Georgians by supporting Biden’s inflation-inducing economic destruction.

So, while I can’t take back the past, and must live with my decisions, I can help forge a better future. I hope you’ll give me the chance.

It’s probably too late for this since the candidate has adamantly claimed The Daily Beast story is a lie and has threatened to sue. Indeed, conceding anything these days is considered cuckish behavior. I disagree. It takes fortitude to admit inadequacy or personal failing, and one imagines it’s more difficult to do so in public. If it’s true.

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The Abortion Lies Kamala Will Spew In Atlanta Are The Ones That Killed Amber Thurman And Candi Miller



Vice President Kamala Harris will use her short appearance in Atlanta Friday afternoon to falsely blame Georgia’s lifesaving pro-life law for the deaths of at least two women. The untimely passings of Amber Thurman, Candi Miller, and their babies, however, had nothing to do with the Peach State’s protections and everything to do with Democrats and corporate media’s dangerous abortion rhetoric.

ProPublica, an outlet known for doing Democrats’ dirty work, resurfaced Thurman’s and Miller’s 2022 passings this week in an attempt to vilify pro-life laws ahead of the 2024 election. The women’s deaths were both the direct result of a drug regimen responsible for more than half of the nation’s abortions. Still, ProPublica skipped past the sometimes fatal complications and a significant number of emergency room visits associated with mifepristone and misoprostol to insist that the women lost their lives because they and the doctors responsible for treating them were scared out of it by pro-lifers.

Shortly after the articles’ publication, Harris posted a four-part statement to X falsely claiming “Trump Abortion Bans prevent doctors from providing basic medical care.”

“Women are bleeding out in parking lots, turned away from emergency rooms, losing their ability to ever have children again,” she wrote. “Survivors of rape and incest are being told they cannot make decisions about what happens next to their bodies. And now women are dying. These are the consequences of Donald Trump’s actions.”

According to an unnamed senior Harris campaign official, the Democrat will echo these accusations about Trump — many of which

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‘Never Seen This Before’: Georgia GOP Eyes Comeback With New Strategy After Biden’s 2020 Win



For the first time in 28 years, Georgia elected a Democrat as president in 2020, with President Joe Biden winning the state by 11,779 votes. But on-the-ground Republican leaders told The Federalist they hope this year will be different — and that the campaign’s operations are like nothing “seen … before.”

Axios reportedly obtained a copy of Trump campaign training materials that describe the campaign’s 2020 efforts as “inefficient.” The materials reportedly prioritize focusing on “hard-to-reach, low-propensity voters.” The Trump campaign confirmed to The Federalist its efforts to target low-propensity voters and encourage voters to vote early.

“Team Trump is doubling down on our efforts to reach voters where they are at and share President Trump’s plans to make America prosperous again,” RNC Battleground States Communications Director Rachel Reisner told The Federalist in a statement. “Team Trump continues to build out the most sophisticated and modern approach, ever.”

And Republican county chairs are attesting to the new efforts.

DeKalb County

DeKalb Republican Party Chairwoman Marci McCarthy told The Federalist that current operations are “really different from their 2020 operations. I’ve actually never seen this before.”

“We feel like we’re getting great support from the Trump Force 47 team,” McCarthy told The Federalist. “We’re having training in the field offices twice a week, they’re doing phone banking, they’re teaching them how to utilize the technology, how to engage with voters. They’ll do some training with canvassing, and then they’ll take volunteers right out to do canvassing. They also encourage them to

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Conservative PACs Plan To Put New Mexico In Play This Fall



No Republican has won statewide in New Mexico for 10 years. A series of ad buys from multiple political action groups aims to change that this November.

Earlier this month, the Piñon Post, a conservative state paper, reported on a new commercial campaign attempting to spoil Democrats’ expectation to maintain the state’s five electoral votes for Kamala Harris and reelect Sen. Martin Heinrich. The ads from a group called Election Freedom, Inc., attack Heinrich and Harris over inflation and the incumbent border crisis.

Derek Dufresne, a consultant for the 501(c)(4) political advocacy group, told The Federalist the New Mexico campaign was “a significant, seven-figure investment,” but did not provide an exact total.

“We are running an aggressive, complete, issue-based campaign focusing on the significant policy failures of Kamala Harris and Martin Heinrich, which will continue through November,” Dufresne said.

The ads highlight high food, energy, and mortgage costs in a border state overwhelmed by migration.

Another ad campaign from the group Frontiers of Freedom Action (FFA) targets Heinrich as one of three western senators hit by a multi-state media blitz highlighting Democrats’ anti-Catholic bigotry. The ads aired in both English and Spanish to target southwestern Hispanics disillusioned by the Democrats’ extremism, which conflicts with religious liberty.

“When Hispanic voters — especially Hispanics who attend Catholic Mass — come to learn about their senator’s record of anti-Catholic bigotry, they are going to be stunned,” George Landrith, the group’s president, said in a press release.

“Republicans too often forget

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