
The Heritage Foundation’s Military Vets ‘Stand United’ Behind Tuberville’s Pentagon Abortion Protest



After facing unhinged attacks from his Senate GOP colleagues, Alabama’s Tommy Tuberville is receiving backup from more U.S. military veterans who support his ongoing efforts to stop the Pentagon’s radical abortion policy.

On Thursday, former service members now working for The Heritage Foundation penned a statement in support of Tuberville’s ongoing protest of the Defense Department’s use of U.S. taxpayer money to fund abortion-related travel for Pentagon employees.

For the past several months, Tuberville has been using his position on the Senate Armed Services Committee to slow-walk votes on President Biden’s military nominees. Rather than allow the committee to confirm a large number of military nominations “en masse,” the Alabama senator’s protest forces the body to vote on each nomination one at a time.

In addition to facing attacks from Senate Democrats — who possess the power to bring these nominations to the floor for individual confirmation — Tuberville has more recently come under fire from his spineless Republican colleagues. Last week, a group of GOP senators led by Alaska’s Dan Sullivan had a melodramatic meltdown on the Senate floor over Tuberville’s protest, in which they openly criticized his stand for unborn life and regurgitated baseless Democrat talking points about harms to “military readiness.”

In their Thursday statement, Heritage’s military veterans professed their unwavering support for Tuberville’s opposition to the Pentagon’s “illegal and immoral policies,” and noted how the agency’s guidance attempts “to bypass U.S. law and … further erode[s] America’s trust in the capability of the U.S. armed forces to

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