
The Hamilton 68 Twitter Op Is More Proof The Managerial Class Opposes The American Founding



In recent days, Matt Taibbi’s reporting exposed the bipartisan political operation known as Hamilton 68 that promulgated and perpetuated the myth of Russian control of American politics. Hamilton 68 was a collection of almost completely non-Russian Twitter users deceptively selected and then fed to reporters and members of Congress as data proving Russian influence in U.S. elections.

The uncovering of this op makes institutional rot in the United States more apparent than ever before. After all, Big Tech collaborated with this disinformation operation to delegitimize a democratically elected president while federal agencies — notably, the U.S. State Department — weaponized this disinformation against the American people.

These institutions are not independent, sentient monoliths whose politically motivated goals serendipitously overlap. The fact that the world’s most advanced federal bureaucracy and the most powerful corporate entities to ever exist collaborated to usurp a democratically elected president should, indeed, terrify every American citizen.

But there is a darker truth beneath the surface:  the people behind Hamilton 68 — members of the managerial elite — are trying to permanently reshape the American political and legal systems to do away with the remaining mechanisms of our democratic republic so permanently entrenched government and corporate bureaucrats can call the shots.

The goal of these people is to permanently alter the American system of governance to sideline the U.S. Constitution. No longer will democratically elected officials hold power, pass laws, or govern. Instead, the bureaucratic leviathan will become — and largely already is —

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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