
The Ghost Of Wisconsin’s Unconstitutional John Doe Investigation Haunts Trump Trials



Even after a Manhattan kangaroo court found former President Donald Trump guilty of Frankensteinian charges, Judge Juan Merchan refuses to lift a gag order on the GOP’s presidential candidate. 

The highly partisan judge slapped the gag order on Trump in March, barring him from speaking publicly about prosecutors, witnesses, jurors, and others in the trumped-up case against him. In short, Merchan has silenced Trump’s ability to speak out against what the former president has often described as a “witch hunt” against him.

That’s a distinct disadvantage when your political opponent is campaigning on the long list of felony charges against you — charges your political opponent’s agents and allies have brought. 

The Silent Treatment

Merchan’s gag order has only been so effective, of course. Trump is not the silent type. He has defied the order multiple times and been fined the maximum $1,000 for each of the 10 violations. That’s chump change to Trump. But the judge also has threatened to imprison the former president for speaking out, insisting that Trump’s criticism of the leftist-led legal process is a threat to the people he’s criticizing.  

As Forbes reported, the left’s Public Enemy No. 1 “appeared to push the limits of the order in his remarks on Friday even as he repeatedly noted he was restricted in what he could say…” Trump called serial liar and prosecution star witness Michael Cohen a “sleazebag” without naming his disgraced former attorney.

Trump, too, is being silenced in a separate gag order

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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