
The DOJ’s Election Interference Is Worse Than Anything The Russians Ever Did



If we learned anything since 2016, it’s that Democrats are gravely concerned about interference in U.S. elections — unless they’re the ones doing it.

Thursday’s announcement that President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice is reportedly planning to indict Donald Trump has garnered squeals of excitement from Democrats and their legacy media sycophants, who for years have salivated at the thought of seeing the very bad orange man thrown in prison. Residential “nasty woman” Hillary Clinton — who in a just society would be behind bars — took to Twitter, for instance, to brag about America’s two-tiered justice system and harp “But Her Emails” hats to her millions of followers.

Meanwhile, left-wing outlets such as ABC News couldn’t contain their enthusiasm over this “unprecedented moment” in U.S. history, where the Justice Department charged a former president.

“Historians say that not since Richard Nixon had there been the real prospect of a commander-in-chief being formally accused of a crime, though Nixon avoided that fate after being pardoned by successor Gerald Ford,” reporter Tal Axelrod wrote.

Yes, the DOJ’s prospective indictment of Trump is unprecedented. Just not in the celebratory way that Democrats insist.

It’s unprecedented for the American intelligence apparatus to abuse its power to trump up (no pun intended) charges against the potential presidential nominee for one of the country’s leading political parties ahead of a major election. It’s unprecedented for these same agencies to withhold potentially damning evidence implicating the current president (and likely candidate in said major election) in a

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