
The DOJ Is So Compromised, A Special Counsel For Biden Family Corruption Won’t Do Jack



After years of stonewalling and concealment by the nation’s top bureaucrats, the truth about Biden family corruption deserves to be blown wide open.

Evidence that President Joe Biden and his family exchanged political favors for cash from foreign adversaries is mounting, prompting renewed calls by House and Senate Republicans and whistleblowers for a special counsel.

Under normal circumstances, asking the attorney general to declare a “criminal investigation of a person or matter [by a special counsel] is warranted” to avoid potential conflicts of interest in the Justice Department is the best legal route to ensure bad actors who sell out their country to line their own pockets are indicted, tried, and fined. But these are not normal circumstances, Merrick Garland is not a normal AG, and participating in international bribery schemes is not normal vice president or president behavior.

Asking Garland to bestow special privileges and status on yet another one of Biden’s corrupt deep state attorneys to investigate the first family’s corruption would ultimately be a waste of time and taxpayer money because it would require Americans to believe the DOJ applies equal justice. Spoiler alert: they don’t.

Rotten to the Core

Ever since inquiries into Joe and his son began, the DOJ, FBI, IRS, and other bureaucrats have done nothing but obstruct congressional oversight, lie, hide evidence, slow-walk investigations, and do everything they could to shield the Bidens from scrutiny.

The FBI field office tasked with investigating Hunter Biden kicked off the concealment campaign by

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