
The Conservative Case For Sauron



Year 3018 of the Third Age

But what are the defenders of Gondor actually defending? My heart swells with pride when I see the banner of the White Tree — I even volunteered to do military law at Osgiliath — but I cannot look at the Stewardship of Denethor and say that it advances the values that Gondor was supposed to stand for. Many of my friends and family disagree with me, and though I love them, I note that they never look at what the Stewardship actually does now.

Does it effectively defend the realm? Does it preserve the values of Numenor? Does it sustain our alliances abroad? No, no, and no. The Steward’s own sons tell the sorry tale: Boromir has fled to the company of the Elves, apparently seeking comfortable refuge in safe Rivendell; and Faramir, who I knew at Osgiliath, squanders his time there in one of Denethor’s forever wars. The whole family of the Stewards, and all the Make Gondor Great Again (MGGA) people, have forgotten what was once a fundamental principle for us: character matters.

As for the line of the Kings, they shall never return, and it is time for real conservatives, guided by Burkean realism, to accept it.

That’s why, this election season, I am following my conservative principles and supporting a leader with a real vision for Gondor: the Lord of Barad-dûr, the Lord of Angband, Gorthaur, known to the electorate as Sauron the Great.

Many of my friends will reproach me

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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