
The Blitzkrieg On Bill Barr And John Durham Is Just Beginning



The New York Times is terrified of what Special Counsel John Durham has uncovered during his more than three-year investigation into intelligence and law enforcement agencies. There is no other explanation for why the outlet went from publishing “All the News That’s Fit to Print” to piloting a month-long probe to tarnish Durham and former Attorney General William Barr, only to follow a few days later with an op-ed parroting the nonsensical points. 

The first swing at Barr and Durham came on Thursday when The New York Times’ leading Russia-collusion hoaxers, Charlie Savage, Adam Goldman, and Katie Benner, published “How Barr’s Quest to Find Flaws in the Russia Inquiry Unraveled.” As I detailed on Monday, the hit piece consisted of “one part chutzpah and two parts mendacity,” with the authors — among other things — declaring the special counsel’s investigation a failure even before Durham released his final report, and only then by ignoring the already public evidence of misconduct by members of the Crossfire Hurricane team.

The New York Times obviously planned a one-two punch, running on Monday an op-ed penned by editorial board member David Firestone, entitled “Bill Barr’s Image Rehab Is Kaput.” Firestone’s blow failed to land as well, with the former Times reporter and editor merely repeating many of the original misguided attacks on Barr.

For instance, Firestone referenced Savage, Goldman, and Benner’s reporting that Barr would regularly meet with Durham to discuss his progress and would advocate “on his behalf with intelligence officials,” with Firestone

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