
The Biden Administration Is Treading On Texas’ Sovereignty, Not The Other Way Around



Democrat accomplice media have been misrepresenting nearly everything about Texas’ efforts to secure the border. But it’s time to separate fact from fiction.

For starters: No, Texas isn’t flouting the Supreme Court. Last week, the court vacated a lower court injunction that prohibited the federal government from removing razor-wire fencing that Texas had erected on the border. Coverage of both the decision and Texas’ response was replete with errors. 

For instance, Vox inaccurately headlined its article on the high court’s decision, “The Supreme Court Says No, Texas Can’t Use Razor Wire to Restrain Federal Agents.” And soon after the court released its order and Texas vowed to continue using razor wire, the media began peddling the false narrative that the Lonestar State was ignoring the Supreme Court’s decision. 

However, both assessments are wrong: The Supreme Court did not hold (or even imply) that Texas could not erect razor wire, and the state did not flout the court’s decision because the court didn’t order Texas to do anything. 

Rather, the Supreme Court’s order merely removed the injunction a lower court had entered against the Biden administration, meaning the federal government could continue to remove Texas’ fencing — and Texas could keep installing it. 

Supremacy Clause Doesn’t Dissolve State Sovereignty

The media have also inaccurately presented the import of the supremacy clause. Members of the legacy press, politicians, and academics are framing the supremacy clause as bestowing on the Biden administration an automatic win in every disagreement with Texas. But the

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