
The Best Way To Prevent School Shootings Is Armed Staff



In the wake of tragic school shootings like Apalachee High School in Georgia, our nation grapples with a critical question: How do we best protect our children? 

Sadly, too often, the debate devolves quickly into partisan talking points. The Biden-Harris administration seized on this tragedy to call for more laws that would restrict Americans’ right to self-defense, but which would have done nothing to stop this shooting. In fact, at both the federal and state levels, it is already illegal for a 14-year-old to purchase and possess a firearm, but, neither those laws nor others, like the Gun-Free School Zones Act, deterred this evil.    

More recently on the debate stage, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris attempted to amend her clear anti-gun record, despite previously voicing support for confiscating guns as a candidate in 2020.

It’s crucial to set politics aside and approach this debate with facts.  

The reality is that many of our schools remain soft targets, vulnerable to those intent on causing harm. “Gun-free zone” signs offer false security, deterring only the law-abiding. We need a multifaceted strategy that hardens schools as targets while empowering responsible adults to protect themselves and those in their care.

A cornerstone of this approach should be allowing trained, willing school staff to carry concealed firearms. To be clear, this isn’t about forcing guns into unwilling hands but about giving educators a choice. Law enforcement or even trained security personnel cannot be everywhere simultaneously, and when seconds matter, even a tiny percentage of armed

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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