
The Best-Case Scenario In The Biden Inc. Scandal Is Bad Enough



Earlier this week, Karine Jean-Pierre was asked whether “the White House and the president still stand behind his comment that he’s never been involved and has never even spoken to his son about his business?”

“So, I’ve been I’ve been asked this question a million times,” she responded. “The answer is not going to change. The answer remains the same. The president was never in business with his son.”

You can already hear Clintonesque semantics creeping into the White House’s answers. Joe Biden is going to end up doing to the word “business” what Bill Clinton did to the word “sex.”

First, Jean-Pierre didn’t answer the question, which isn’t whether Biden was “in business” with his son, but rather whether he was “involved” in the business or spoke to his son about it. Whatever Democrats might believe, Joe failing to list himself as the Founder and CEO of the Biden family enterprise on a business card isn’t dispositive.

Secondly, Jean-Pierre’s answer is very much not the “same” one she or the president have given a million times — or ever, as far as I can tell.

Remember when that middle-aged man in Iowa asked Biden if Hunter had “access to the Obama administration,” and the future president called him a “damn liar” and “fat” and told him he was “too old to vote for me” and then insulted his IQ (a classic) and challenged him to push-up contest like a deranged Izzy Mandelbaum?

Yeah, that was just one in a

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