
The American And Rainbow Flags Stand For Two Incompatible Definitions Of ‘Liberty,’ And Only One Can Rule Us



For the first time since the British raised the Union colors over a burning Washington in 1814, the White House sits under a foreign battle flag.

Over the weekend, President Joe Biden relegated the Stars and Stripes to flank another banner, hung in the center of the presidential mansion’s South Portico. The so-called “progress pride” flag — the new, extra-garish version of the LGBT rainbow flag that features pink and blue “transgender” stripes as well as black and brown stripes representing racial identities — demanded allegiance from its central position at the White House.

There’s nothing new about federal bureaucrats pushing their cultural agenda on the American people. But the jarring visual from Saturday reminds us there’s only room for one flag at the top of a flagpole. Man cannot serve two masters; countries cannot unite under two flags.

The observation that the rainbow alliance is ascendant as our new state religion has been made aplenty, but is no less true. My colleague John Daniel Davidson has called it “pagan America,” and he’s right. The reigning LGBT ideology operates as a religion in that its disciples look to it for a telos as well as an identity. It has its own crusaders, its own missionaries, and its own sacred texts.

But unlike most national religions, which exist in compatible tandem with their people’s political constitutions, this one cannibalizes its progenitors.

The colorful flag hoisted over the White House represents a militant ideology that is utterly incompatible with the beliefs

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