
The AMA Wants To Rip Your Womb From Your Dead Body And Stuff It Between A Delusional Man’s Legs



Female organ donors, beware! Researchers published by the American Medical Association want people like me and you to pay for a delusional male to host your womb.

Biotechnologists regularly fantasize about filling warehouses with artificial wombs, use dehumanizing “gene editing,” and have already begun fabricating female gametes from male cells so they can take women out of reproduction. Now, they are calling for taxpayer-funded uterus transplants, either harvested from organ donors or taken from women who had hysterectomies, for men who hope to buy their way into carrying a baby.

An article from the AMA’s Journal of Ethics argues that people like me and you should pay for womb transplants for men in ladyface “who want to gestate their own children,” gender dysphoric men “who want uterus transplants to consolidate their identities,” or gay men who simply don’t want to pay to rent another woman’s womb.

The call to action was one of several pieces of radical gender ideology propaganda that appeared “Patient-Centered Transgender Surgical Care” Issue published in June.

So far, only a few dozen women have successfully received a womb transplant in the U.S. Researchers all around the world, however, are holding out hope that the procedure will be available to men, despite their numerous anatomical differences from women, within the next decade.

The article’s authors, a professor at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago and a medical student at the University of Texas at Austin, lamented that private insurers and employers might refuse to pay for

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