
Thanks To The Brave Men Who Saved New York Subway Riders From Jordan Neely



Jordan Neely apparently forgot to call out for “mama” when he was being subdued for his unruly conduct on the New York subway this week. But no problem — the anarchists (also known as “Democrats”) steadily grinding our legal system to dust have found out he was a “Michael Jackson impersonator,” so now they’re using that cute detail to threaten a new round of citywide arson, vandalism, and violence.

In a sane world, we would be showing immense gratitude for the two bystanders who took it upon themselves to ensure that 30-year-old Neely, who had been screaming at passengers, did no harm. There would be morning network TV segments heralding their quick action in a moment of certain danger. Instead, NBC’s “Today” paid tribute to Neely with a montage of his street performances, accompanied by an upbeat Michael Jackson song. (It wasn’t incidental audio used by Neely for his dances. It was a track placed on the video by the show’s producers.)

Democrats like AOC accused the vet of murder. Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine eulogized Neely, who he said: “always made people smile.”

We don’t even know the name of the men who were trying to get Neely under control, only that one is a 24-year-old military vet. And because he happened to be white and was the one holding Neely to the ground with his arms wrapped around Neely’s neck, he’s who’s being targeted. (Incidentally, no one is saying a word about the second man who was trying to

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