
Texas Bill Models How To Stop Dems’ Exploitation Of Colleges For Partisan Get-Out-The-Vote Ops



Recently drafted legislation in Texas may be the key to stymieing Democrats’ exploitative use of taxpayer-funded colleges to run partisan get-out-the-vote operations.

Introduced in February by Republican Rep. Carrie Isaac, HB 2390 stipulates that counties “may not designate as a polling place a location on the campus of an institution of higher education located within the county.” If passed by the GOP-controlled legislature and signed by Gov. Greg Abbott, the law would take effect on Sept. 1.

In a February statement, Isaac cited school safety as the primary reason for introducing the measure, pointing to the 2017 stabbing death of a University of Texas student and the recent Uvalde school shooting as examples of why places of education should be off-limits for elections.

“As a mom with one child on a college campus, and one on a public school campus, I think about the safety of my sons and their classmates regularly,” Isaac said. “We must do everything we can to make our school campuses as safe as possible; they should not serve as a target-rich environment for those that wish to harm children. I have experienced firsthand the heightened emotions that often occur at polling locations and I will not wait for more violence to act.”

Isaac has also introduced separate legislation to prohibit public primary and secondary schools from operating as polling places for elections.

How the Left Uses Colleges to Benefit Democrats

While not the primary reason for its introduction, HB 2390 has the potential to curb

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