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Texas AG Investigates Possible Illegal Voter Registrations



Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is investigating reports of nonprofits illegally registering noncitizens to vote.

“Nonprofit organizations have been located outside Texas Department of Public Safety Driver License offices, operating booths offering to assist in voter registration for persons doing business,” reads an Aug. 21 press release from Paxton’s office.

Investigators with Paxton’s Election Integrity Unit recently performed “undercover operations” in “major metropolitan areas” regarding possible registration of noncitizens to vote, according to the release. Investigators have “already confirmed” nonprofit registration efforts outside Texas DPS offices. 

“If eligible citizens can legally register to vote when conducting their business at a DPS office, why would they need a second opportunity to register with a booth outside?” Paxton said in the release. “The Biden-Harris Administration has intentionally flooded our country with illegal aliens, and without proper safeguards, foreign nationals can illegally influence elections at the local, state, and national level.”

The attorney general’s office is continuing an “ongoing investigation,” Paxton said in a statement to The Federalist.

“We cannot provide more information at this time,” Paxton said. “It is encouraging that these booths are now prohibited from operating on DPS property.” 

The DPS had allegedly been tacitly allowing these efforts near driver’s license offices, according to Texas Scorecard. But due to Paxton’s investigation, the department “temporarily prohibited” voter registration groups from operating on its property.

“It is a crime to vote — or to register to vote — if you are not a United States Citizen,” Paxton said in the release. “Any wrongdoing will be punished to

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Leftist Activist Suggests ‘Criminal Charges’ For Refusing To Certify Election Results



A leftist activist said election officials should threaten those who refuse to certify election results with “consequences” like “criminal charges” or “losing your job” in a webinar Tuesday.

“We recommend stressing that anyone who tries to mess with this process or undermine our democracy will fail, and that they will or can face consequences,” said Lizzie Ulmer, senior vice president of strategy and communications at the left-wing States United Democracy Center. “As we’ve seen in a number of the states where this has happened, those consequences can include losing your job or even facing criminal charges.”

Ulmer joined Jon Miller, chief program officer for the leftist Public Rights Project, in a webinar called “Election Certification Messaging for Local Election Officials.” Miller said the two would focus on “messaging strategies” for local election officials to “debunk misinformation” when speaking to the public and media, especially about election certification.

“Folks pushing to block certification want to sow doubt about our fair and secure elections… It’s really important to often include accountability, that these efforts fail, and that there are consequences that people face. Again, depending on the circumstance that may or may not be the right fit,” Ulmer said. “The accountability framing shows that there are very serious consequences for when you seek to undermine that process.”

County canvassers review and certify the results of each election. Canvassing helps officials “resolve discrepancies, correct errors, and take any remedial actions necessary to ensure completeness and accuracy before certifying the election.” But since 2020,

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A 2020 Case Before D.C. Lawfare Judge Could Block RNC From Election Challenges



Left-wing forces in Washington, D.C., are attempting to revive a 2020 lawsuit against former President Donald Trump, his campaign, and the Republican National Committee to tip the scales of the election in favor of Democrats.

If the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization (MWRO) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) have their way, Trump and the RNC would be barred from “engaging in any activities related to recounts, certifications, or similar post-election activities” without receiving prior approval from the D.C. District Court to do so.

Moreover, the case is before lawfare Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing Trump’s criminal trial in the nation’s capital, despite calls for recusal over prejudicial statements she made against Trump in a separate case.

“This case is just another example of the left weaponizing courts to take out their competition. The left simply doesn’t want Republicans to be part of the process or be able to engage in routine election activities like observe polling places,” Jason Snead, executive director of Honest Elections Project, told The Federalist in a statement.

“Liberals want elections to be run behind closed doors where nobody can observe the process or question liberal election policies. It’s shameful that left-wing lawyers act as if the courts should work only for Democrats.”

The case threatens to effectively put back in place restrictions that hindered the RNC for nearly four decades. A judge appointed by President Jimmy Carter instated the restrictions when he settled a case between the RNC and

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With New California AI Law, Newsom Mounts Chilling Assault On Free Speech



California’s far-left governor celebrated Constitution Day with a series of new laws to “crack down” on free speech articulated via artificially generated content.

On Tuesday, Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom officially outlawed the creation and distribution of images or videos created with artificial intelligence known as “deepfakes.” The meme ban applies 120 days before an election and 60 days after. The law formerly known as Assembly Bill 2839 allows people depicted in AI-generated memes and videos to obtain a preliminary injunction in court that stops the meme’s distribution.

“Safeguarding the integrity of elections is essential to democracy, and it’s critical that we ensure AI is not deployed to undermine the public’s trust through disinformation – especially in today’s fraught political climate,” Newsom said in a press release. “These measures will help to combat the harmful use of deepfakes in political ads and other content, one of several areas in which the state is being proactive to foster transparent and trustworthy AI.”

Newsom also signed two other pieces of legislation requiring campaigns and social media platforms to disclose whether their content was created with artificial intelligence. Tech CEO Elon Musk, who announced in July he would relocate the headquarters for two of his companies from California to Texas, amplified a fake campaign ad that Newsom characterized as the impetus for the decision to sign the anti-speech laws.

“Hard to be a free speech platform in a state that wants to ban free speech,” Musk wrote in another post on X.

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