
Teen Volleyball Star Lost Her Legs Because Of Soros Prosecutor Kim Gardner’s Pro-Criminal Policies



Tennessee teen Janae Edmondson, a talented volleyball player who verbally committed to play for the University of Tennessee Southern, lost her legs last month after a convicted criminal who was not punished for repeatedly violating his release conditions drove into her going 20 mph over the speed limit.

Daniel Riley, who police say didn’t attempt to brake before the crash, is charged with second-degree assault, driving without a valid license, and other crimes but the real blame, Missourians say, rests on St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner.

Thanks to George Soros, the Democrat megadonor famous for elevating fatal soft-on-crime policies and politicians, Gardner joined the circuit in 2016.

Instead of addressing the thousands of pending cases sitting on her desk, Gardner used her tenure to prosecute her political enemies like the couple who tried to protect their home from Black Lives Matter rioters during the summer of 2020. One year before that, Gardner barred dozens of St. Louis officers from bringing cases after an anti-police group accused them of being racist. When she wasn’t doing that, Gardner jetted around on activist trips sponsored by pro-criminal groups and raked in more Soros funds for her re-election campaign.

The reason Riley was able to get behind the wheel that fateful February night was because his July 2022 trial for a 2020 armed robbery was delayed due to Gardner, who claimed she felt unprepared to argue at the time.

 “Witnesses and victim timely appear. Defense ready. State announces ‘not ready,’”

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