
Ted Cruz Diagnoses D.C.’s Problems, But Can He Solve them?



Ever since Ted Cruz became a U.S. senator in 2012, originally riding the wave of the Tea Party grassroots conservative movement, he has won many fans. He’s an outspoken conservative who’s willing to confront the rampant corruption and hypocrisy in Washington, D.C. His experience as a lawyer and debater has made him a powerful voice for his constituents and brought him close to becoming the Republican nominee for president in 2016.

In many ways, he was an outsider and populist before it was cool, holding no elected offices prior to his upset in 2012. Unfortunately for Cruz, in 2016 another candidate demonstrated he was even more of a populist and outsider. Fortunately for Cruz, he still had sufficient credibility as a senator to overcome the very well-funded political campaign of media darling Robert “Beto” O’Rourke and win a second term for Senate.

While it’s technically possible for Cruz to mount another presidential run in 2024, he seems somewhat content commenting on the sidelines about Democrats ruining the country. Although there’s certainly a place for this kind of commentary, particularly from someone who sees how the sausage is made firsthand, it’s rather difficult to muster the energy or enthusiasm for reform when the person making the case seems to do little more than appear on Fox News, host a podcast, and harangue incompetent bureaucrats in Senate Judiciary Committee hearings.

Identifying the Problem

Such is the case when reading Ted Cruz’s newest book “Justice Corrupted: How the Left Weaponized Our Legal System,”

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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