
Stop Seeking Common Ground With Delusional Leftists Like Bill Maher



During a series of recent interviews to promote his new book, Bill Maher unwittingly showed just how ignorant and emotional the left has become. On a recent episode of Megyn Kelly’s podcast, at least he was honest.

It was clear from the beginning that Maher assumed Kelly was a thoughtless bimbo from Fox News and believed he could make his claims without any pushback. In his usual smug manner, he insisted Trump was a tyrant who would destroy American democracy, the J6 protesters were dangerous insurrectionists, the crisis at the border was just as bad under Trump as it is under Biden, Hillary Clinton never claimed Trump was an illegitimate president, and no one cared about the Hunter Biden laptop.

Far from “pouncing” on Maher on these points, Kelly reluctantly but reasonably corrected him on each of them: Trump was already president for four years and dutifully left office after (unfairly) losing the 2020 election; the J6 protesters were nowhere close to bringing down the American government; the border is far worse under Biden, who purposefully refuses to fix it; Hillary Clinton has continually declared Trump an illegitimate president for years; and a great number of Americans would have changed their vote if they knew Biden’s son was influence-peddling for this father. To these rebuttals, Maher only rolled his eyes and pretended to pity Kelly for her apparent stupidity. Normally, he would probably mock and insult her as he does on his own talk show, but he has a book

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