
Stop Crying In Congress, It’s Pathetic



Members of Congress seem to be crying a lot more these days. Michigan Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib spilled tears all over the floor of the House Thursday because her antisemitic colleague from Minnesota, Rep. Ilhan Omar, was about to be kicked off the Foreign Affairs Committee.

“To Congressman Omar, I am so sorry, sis, that our country is failing you today through this chamber,” Tlaib said while sobbing through her slurred speech.

[READ: Local Congresswoman Accidentally Spends A Decade Being An Antisemite]

Rep. Rashida Talib tells Omar “our country is failing you today” by potentially removing her from the Foreign Affairs Committee

Talib has a breakdown and begins sobbing and yelling pic.twitter.com/RpaH7fapyw

— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) February 2, 2023

It was far from the first time a member has broken down before the cameras on Capitol Hill, and Tlaib seems to have made it a habit. Here’s Tlaib crying again, again, again, again, and again. Did John Boehner mentor her?

A month after the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, Tlaib and several other members held a planned crying session on the House floor over it. Yet their tears were absent when the nation’s capital burned at the hands of left-wing activists the prior summer. The estimated damage from left-wing riots on America’s main streets The Squad cheered on was 66 times more than the one instance of violence at DC politicians’ doorstep.

The act

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