
Stop Calling My Miscarriage An Abortion



I didn’t want to talk about the pain of losing my baby, but after seeing how corporate media recently portrayed “19 Kids and Counting” star Jessa Duggar Seewald’s miscarriage as an abortion, I feel I must.

Jessa shared that over Christmas, she and her husband, Ben, had suffered a miscarriage. Her body hadn’t realized the baby’s heart had stopped, so a couple of weeks after, Jessa had a common procedure that is also used for elective abortion and is called dilation and curettage (D&C). Her baby had already died by no choice of her own.

I lost my baby to miscarriage four months ago and, like Jessa, needed a D&C to safeguard my health. Corporate and social media, as well as people I’ve talked with, insist I had an abortion, which makes me feel livid and broken-hearted. 

I’ve had enough of misinformation on abortion and miscarriages since the overturn of Roe v. Wade. The purposeful lies about the realities of abortion by the press and pro-abortion advocates are truly astounding.

A Simple Definition

I have been utterly appalled at this narrative that Jessa had an abortion. The medical definition of abortion is the expulsion of pregnancy tissue, and this can happen spontaneously or deliberately. The colloquial definition, however, is different. The first result on Google states that abortion is “The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy,” which is exactly what almost everyone means when they declare they’ve had an abortion.

Yet now the media are twisting it to cover a miscarriage, which is incredibly insulting

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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