
‘Squad’ Members Were Boosting Hamas Long Before It Beheaded Babies



In the wake of a brutal terrorist attack on Israel, members of the ultra left-wing “Squad” in the U.S. House released public statements calling for a “ceasefire” in Israel, after terrorists went door-to-door on Oct. 7 indiscriminately murdering families and collecting hostages. Statements from the Congress members, many of whom have pandered to pro-Hamas groups in the U.S., effectively deny Israel’s right to defend itself and suggest that the atrocities are part of a larger tit-for-tat “cycle of violence.”

In other words, Israel had it coming, and it should lay down and “de-escalate” in the face of a terrorist invasion by land, air, and sea — even as Israeli hostages are paraded naked and bleeding through the streets of Gaza.

Such callous expressions represent the latest and most heinous in a series of statements and political maneuvers from the far-left wing of the Democrat Party, which has sought for years to single out and demonize the Jewish state of Israel. The same outspoken leftists have patronized radical anti-Israel groups, showing favor to Islamist organizations identified in U.S. courts as possible fronts for Hamas.

Reps. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., Ayanna Presley, D-Mass., Cori Bush, D-Mo., and Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., each published press releases and personal statements in response to the early morning raid by Hamas terrorists that took the lives of more than 1,200 Israelis, including 25 Americans, and resulted in more than 3,000 wounded. In each case, their comments began with empty platitudes for the violence experienced on

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