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Sports Court Rejects Lia Thomas Case, Delivers Massive Win For Women’s Sports



The Swiss-based Court of Arbitration for Sport rejected a challenge on Wednesday brought by Lia Thomas against World Aquatics’ ban on transgender athletes participating in the women’s category at elite swimming competitions, thus barring him from participating in the 2024 Summer Olympics.

The court’s rejection is a massive win for women’s sports and a major defeat for transgender athletes’ attempts to subvert biological reality.

World Aquatics’ transgender policy prohibits male athletes from competing against women, stating male-to-female transgender athletes are only granted permission to compete in the women’s category “if they can establish to World Aquatics’ comfortable satisfaction that they have not experienced any part of male puberty beyond Tanner Stage 2 or before age 12, whichever is later.”

“A biological female athlete cannot overcome that advantage through training or nutrition. Nor can they take additional testosterone to obtain the same advantage, because testosterone is a prohibited substance under the World Anti-Doping Code,” World Aquatics said.

According to its policy on eligibility, “World Aquatics should remain committed to the separation of athletes in sport into men’s and women’s categories based on biological sex.”

The policy was established in June 2022. Since then, World Aquatics has created an open category for transgender athletes to compete in.

The Court of Arbitration for Sport upheld the World Aquatics ban. According to the New York Post, the international body said it has no authority “to modify such scope of application” determined by World Aquatics.

Riley Gaines, female sports advocate and plaintiff in a

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Study Shows True Costs Of Health Care Spending Are Lives And Livelihoods



In mid-June, Medicare’s Office of the Actuary published its annual estimate of national health spending projections for the coming decade. As usual, the document concluded that health spending would rise ever higher, from nearly $4.5 trillion in 2022, or 17.3 percent of the entire economy, to more than $7.7 trillion, and just under 20 percent of GDP, in 2032.

Most Americans’ eyes tend to glaze over at these lofty projections of ever-growing health spending — or the long-term fiscal predicament it causes. A new study, however, provides much more tangible evidence as to the true effects of rising health care costs. In some cases, it costs people their jobs.

Effects of Hospital Mergers

The study, released by the National Bureau of Economic Research, attempts to get behind the reasons health costs increase. In some cases, rising health care costs could result from people in an area becoming wealthier and therefore spending more money on care. The researchers controlled for this variable by examining areas where hospitals merged — because such mergers are associated with increasing prices but no commensurate increase in health care quality.

The researchers examined hospital mergers, of which there have been many in recent years, to conclude that a 1 percent increase in health care prices led employers outside the health care sector to reduce payroll by 0.37 percent. Economists would generally agree with this conclusion, due to the belief that the “employer’s” share of health insurance premiums ultimately comes out of employees’ pockets. With total compensation (wages and benefits) being

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America Is In Shambles Because Of Democrat Policies, Not Just Joe Biden



CNN spent the hour after Thursday’s presidential debate in an emotional tailspin. But at the heart of their desperate “analysis” was speculation about whether the fumbling Biden should step down to let another Democrat jump in to carry the torch of “DEMOCRACY.” 

The jig is up. Here’s what disillusioned Democrats and independents and moderates need to know. What all the blue-state refugees who now live in Texas and Florida instead of California and New York City need to admit. What all the fed-up middle-class families and forgotten nonwhite voters in the suburbs need to remember: These aren’t just Joe Biden policies that are disastrous. They’re Democrat policies. 

Abortion. Economy. Crime. Immigration. Lawfare. Foreign policy. Health care. It doesn’t matter what pet issue has voters down in the dumps. Democrats are in lockstep on the losing side. And anywhere they aren’t in lockstep — like on whether Israel is a victim of terrorism or a group of oppressive “colonizers” — they tow the radical line.

You think a Democrat switcheroo is magically going to secure the border and end the unmitigated illegal alien crime wave? (And lest you’ve been captive to the corporate media spin, here are a few of many examples of such atrocities.) Not a chance. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, Biden’s expanded asylum, repeal of Remain in Mexico, outrage over shipping migrants to Martha’s Vineyard, support for ripping down border razor wire, and playing footsie with Mexican cartels are all fruits of the same poisonous tree: Democrats’ antipathy

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Biden Just Put On The Most Disastrous Debate Performance In Presidential History



Sure, it might sound like hyperbole, but I can’t think of a more devastating presidential debate performance than the one Joe Biden had in his first meeting with Donald Trump. Indeed, even with abnormally low expectations, Biden tripped over them as if they were sandbags. After watching post-debate reaction, it’s safe to say no presidential debate has ever rattled a political party quite like this one.

The scratchy and frail voice. The speedy mumbling — it was like watching a TV at 2x speed. The overall incoherence. The confused and angry stares. The jumbling of thoughts —“I was recently in, in, in, um, France for D-Day, and I spoke to — all about those heroes that died …” and so on — was relentless. It was difficult to watch.

Recall that Biden’s team, down in the polls, pushed for this debate. Remember that video the president cut mocking and challenging Trump to face him? The Biden team reportedly fought for the strict rules implemented by CNN. Then the president took an entire week off from his job just to prepare for the contest. Letting him debate was political malpractice. Letting him run for the presidency is a dereliction of basic decency.

You remember all that solemn talk about 25th Amendment during Trump’s presidency? Where are these patriots now?

Incidentally, CNN’s debate format was — whether the former president liked it or not — good for Trump. It reined in many of his worst inclinations, while leaving Biden to wander off

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