
Somebody Tell Planned Parenthood Summer Camp Is For Good Clean Fun, Not Sex Ed



For many Americans, the idea of summer camp evokes warm, fire-lit memories of outdoor adventures, new friends, and the simple pleasure of enjoying God’s creation. As a former camper, my favorite activities were archery, educational nature hikes, and any sport involving water.

After experiencing such delights, it’s hard to believe Planned Parenthood recently had the audacity to market a children’s sex education program as “summer camp” — but then, it’s already ruining families via abortion and future fertility through sex-suppressing hormones. Why not add summer camp to its list of spoilers?

For poor souls in Minnesota, Planned Parenthood North Central States announced it was hosting “S’MORE” camp, which stands for Science-based, Medically accurate, Open-minded, Responsible Education. None of these attributes accurately describe Planned Parenthood. This is the same organization that changed its definition of ectopic pregnancy treatment when the facts weren’t convenient anymore.

After media pushback, however, the program webpage has recently been taken down, with only an earlier version of it from May being saved through a web archive.

The program was listed for minors aged 13 to 15 who have finished eighth grade but not started high school. It was three half-days a week for two weeks, and according to its website, topics included “healthy and unhealthy relationships … consent, birth control methods, barrier methods, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy options.”

Planned Parenthood has yet to respond to my inquiry about whether this program was canceled and the reasoning behind that decision. I also inquired whether parenting and adoption were included as

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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