
Socialism And Communism Are Just Weasel Words For Slavery



Communism is clearly a modern form of slavery, as I’ll explain below. Yet recent opinion polls show that communism is ridiculously popular with younger generations of Americans, especially when it’s presented as “socialism.”

In 2020, 49 percent of Gen Z and 47 percent of Millennials said they viewed socialism favorably, numbers that dipped slightly in 2022. That same year, 58 percent of young Democrats said they had a positive view of socialism (compared with only 29 percent who had a positive view of capitalism). These numbers are all the more horrifying when you consider what communism actually demands of us.

Communism is slavery that poses as justice. This has been proven over 100 years of history and by at least 100 million murders at the hands of communist regimes treating their human subjects as chattel. Socialism is the weasel word that paves the path to the slavery we politely call communism or Marxism.

I’ve grown frustrated with well-meaning people who bend over backward to try to explain how Marxism doesn’t work or how capitalism is so much better for a healthy economy. These perfectly reasonable arguments fall flat because they’re incomprehensible to the vast majority of Americans today.

We occasionally see statements that compare slavery and communism. They’ve come from a survivor of Maoist China, a public intellectual, the Victims of Communism Foundation, a 19th-century political philosopher, and even First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. But it simply isn’t enough.

The similarity between Marxism and slavery must be shouted from the rooftops,

CLICK HERE to read the rest of this ARTICLE. This post was originally published on another website.


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