
Skittles Panders To Black Americans While Selling Them Prepackaged Diabetes



A pack of Skittles contains 45 grams of sugar, the equivalent of 11 teaspoons. 11 teaspoons. Imagine shoving a spoon into a bag of sugar and eating 11 teaspoons without vomiting. Mars Wrigley, the company that makes Skittles, manages to sell a colorful concoction containing 45 grams of sugar that won’t make you vomit. That’s the good news.

The bad news is that consuming excess amounts will dramatically increase your risk of diabetes, cancer, and other diseases. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, black Americans are 60 percent more likely than whites to be diagnosed with diabetes. What does this have to do with Skittles? Mars recently released a new version of Skittles with the phrase “black trans lives matter” on the packaging.

Type 2 diabetes is attributable to lifestyle choices and genetics, both of which influence the prevalence of the condition across various demographics. These rational and fact-based explanations make the left squirm and offer no opportunity to demonize their political opponents, so they’re blaming the difference in diabetes rates on “racism.” Mars is a decidedly left-wing company, but oddly enough it isn’t the least bit concerned about its sugar-laden products contributing to alarming rates of diabetes among black Americans.

When your products are primary contributors to the obesity and diabetes epidemics, you can rightfully point out that nobody is forced to consume candy or other unhealthy food. As a defender of free markets, I embrace this thinking. But if you sell nutritionally defunct

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