
Senate Republicans Sniping At Tuberville’s DOD Abortion Protest Are Cowardly Fools



It’s a sad reflection on the state of our country when defending the lives of unborn babies is considered “controversial.” But what’s equally disturbing is the cowardice displayed by many so-called “pro-life” Republicans when it comes to fighting for the issue when and where it matters.

That’s what Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville is up against as he attempts to prevent his Senate GOP colleagues from siding with Democrats to kill his protest of the Pentagon’s radical abortion policy.

Using his position on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Tuberville has been slow-walking the military promotions that require Senate confirmation, in protest of the Pentagon’s use of U.S. taxpayer dollars to pay for Defense Department employees’ abortion-related travel expenses. Rather than allow the committee to confirm a large number of military nominations “en masse,” the Alabama Republican’s protest forces the body to vote on each nomination one at a time. Despite possessing the power to bring these nominations to the Senate floor for a vote, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Democrats have regularly attacked Tuberville, baselessly accusing him of jeopardizing “national security” and “military readiness.”

But it’s not just Democrats smearing Tuberville for fighting an unlawful policy and defending the unborn. Last week, several GOP senators led by Alaska’s Dan Sullivan took to the Senate floor to lambast Tuberville for his protest and call for an end to the hold on mass-confirming Biden’s military nominees. During his remarks, Sullivan regurgitated Democrats’ “military readiness” talking point and suggested Tuberville’s protest was

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