
Senate Republicans Bungle Opportunity To Curb Democrats’ Radical Abortion Agenda



Senate Republicans had a shot at successfully passing a vital resolution in the Democrat-controlled upper chamber that would protect Americans from funding abortions. Instead of allying with their own on an issue that has set the GOP apart from the left for decades, however, at least two of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s closest allies sided with Democrats’ radical abortion agenda when they voted 51 to 48 not to proceed with the legislation.

Most Americans oppose taxpayer-funded abortions yet both Sen. Susan Collins of Maine and Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska publicly committed along with to opposing the resolution that would stop the Biden administration’s latest attempt to force abortion costs on U.S. constituents.

These are the same Republicans who cast doubt on Lindsey Graham’s federal abortion ban even though it would have finally brought the U.S. up to speed with the type of restrictions other civilized countries already have and what American voters, including some Democrats, want.

With their no votes, collins and Murkowski threatened the GOP and Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin’s last chance to prevent a rule violating federal law forcing Americans to fund abortions without Congress’ consent and threatening healthcare workers’ conscience rights from becoming regulation.

“Again, this is not about Dobbs. This is not about Roe [v.] Wade. This is about an illegal rule to spend taxpayer dollars on abortion,” Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama warned at a press conference on Wednesday.

U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville leads a bipartisan press conference with senators supporting his resolution

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